Shortcodelic carousel
To use this shortcode: [shortcodelic-woocarousel carousel="1"]
you have to install Shortcodelic plugin included with the theme, then click the gear icon ( ) available on the text editor
Default shortcodes
Since WooCommerce 2.1 and WordPress 3.9 the WooThemes staff has removed the shortcode generator from the tinyMCE editor. However all the shortcode are available there: WooCoomerce Shortcodes Documenentation
Geode only adds the attribute grid
to default ones already provided by the plugin in some cases:
The values available for the grid
attribute are:
for square thumbs displayed as orthogonal grids'4:3'
for thumbs with a ratio of 4/3 displayed as orthogonal grids'16:9'
for thumbs with a ratio of 16/9 displayed as orthogonal grids'grid'
to display thumbs at their original ratio (i.e. not cropped, just resized) as orthogonal grids'masonry'
to display thumbs at their original ratio as non orthogonal grids
Here above are just few examples.
Featured products
[featured_products per_page="12" columns="4" grid="masonry"]
Facial Cleanser, 160 ml
Rensegelé der blidt fjerner makeup, snavs og overflødigt talg uden at udtørre huden. Huden efterlades ren og frisk. Uden sulfater og duft.
Gentle Cleansing Milk, 160 ml
Silkeblød og mild rensemælk der blidt fjerner makeup og snavs. Huden efterlades blød og mættet med fugt. Sulfatfri.
Intensive Night Repair Serum
Natserum med intensiv anti-age effekt. Stimulerer hudens mikrocirkulation om natten, så du vågner om morgenen med en smuk, sund udstråling. Tilfører fugt og støtter hudens genopbyningsproces om natten.
Efter afrensning og Toning Lotion påføres en lille mængde Intensive Night Serum i ansigtet og på halsen. Afslut med Evening Moisturiser.
Sale products
[sale_products per_page="6" columns="3" grid="1:1"]