You can set a break point for each tab group, to determine at what size it must turn into accordions. Try to resize the page.



IMG_9144Tabs supports images, typography and the most part of shortcodes

Curabitur in volutpat diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed egestas neque, a elementum tellus. Phasellus ultrices iaculis porta. Donec bibendum dui vel eros venenatis, euismod venenatis sapien commodo. Praesent suscipit nunc a mattis facilisis. Donec a tempor justo. Morbi faucibus, purus eget dictum porttitor, magna nulla placerat ipsum, nec consequat est sem sed sem.


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An elegant multipurpose theme

highly customizable

with tons of features available




It also supports

Progress bars
% Design % jQuery % Wordpress


% Love % Coffee % Broken mouses



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  some features

Mauris malesuada lacus pharetra erat semper, at eleifend nulla consequat. Donec pharetra eros adipiscing, pulvinar lectus sit amet, accumsan justo.

  lacking feature

  lacking feature

  lacking feature

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  something else

Donec a tellus ac felis ultricies rhoncus. In commodo, nisl in vestibulum rutrum, justo nisl congue lacus, sit amet luctus tortor, eleifend faucibus eros sodales sit amet.

  available feature

  available feature

  lacking feature

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  something special

Pellentesque nunc tortor, euismod non ullamcorper in, sodales in dui. Maecenas et quam eu mi feugiat suscipit.

  available feature

  available feature

  available feature

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Responsive tabs

Tabs turn into accordions when you resize the browser window. You have only to decide the break-point, i.e. minimal width at which displaying accordions instead of tabs.

Nested tabs

CSS effects are available for the transitions between the tabs, if supported by the browser you’re using.

They support also multiple tabs

Duis nisl leo, pulvinar eget tellus ac, tincidunt dapibus arcu. Nullam ultricies tellus in dictum tempus. Sed congue aliquet varius. Nam vulputate vestibulum augue. Phasellus et lorem vulputate, faucibus est sed, dapibus nulla. Sed vehicula bibendum pulvinar.

As you can see

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc eros mauris, bibendum sed blandit nec, vestibulum fringilla dolor. Suspendisse porttitor purus dapibus mauris bibendum, vel aliquam velit rhoncus. Suspendisse non placerat justo. Nunc et metus nec nisi vulputate pulvinar quis at sapien. Duis lacinia eros quis est vulputate molestie. Etiam blandit diam quis ipsum vulputate elementum.

Customize colors

You can customize some things from the admin panel with useful color pickers and intuitive sliders. The back-end interface does not cover each aspect of the tabs, so the plugin comes also with a CSS panel where to type some custom styles directly into the databse

Responsive tabs

Tabs turn into accordions when you resize the browser window. You have only to decide the break-point, i.e. minimal width at which displaying accordions instead of tabs.

Customize colors

You can customize some things from the admin panel with useful color pickers and intuitive sliders. The back-end interface does not cover each aspect of the tabs, so the plugin comes also with a CSS panel where to type some custom styles directly into the databse

CSS3 effects

CSS effects are available for the transitions between the accordion tabel, if supported by the browser you’re using.

Responsive tabs

Tabs turn into accordions when you resize the browser window. You have only to decide the break-point, i.e. minimal width at which displaying accordions instead of tabs.

Customize colors

You can customize some things from the admin panel with useful color pickers and intuitive sliders. The back-end interface does not cover each aspect of the tabs, so the plugin comes also with a CSS panel where to type some custom styles directly into the databse

CSS3 effects

CSS effects are available for the transitions between the accordion tabel, if supported by the browser you’re using.

Responsive tabs

Tabs turn into accordions when you resize the browser window. You have only to decide the break-point, i.e. minimal width at which displaying accordions instead of tabs.

Customize colors

You can customize some things from the admin panel with useful color pickers and intuitive sliders. The back-end interface does not cover each aspect of the tabs, so the plugin comes also with a CSS panel where to type some custom styles directly into the databse

Nested tabs

CSS effects are available for the transitions between the tabs, if supported by the browser you’re using.

They support also multiple tabs

Duis nisl leo, pulvinar eget tellus ac, tincidunt dapibus arcu. Nullam ultricies tellus in dictum tempus. Sed congue aliquet varius. Nam vulputate vestibulum augue. Phasellus et lorem vulputate, faucibus est sed, dapibus nulla. Sed vehicula bibendum pulvinar.

As you can see

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc eros mauris, bibendum sed blandit nec, vestibulum fringilla dolor. Suspendisse porttitor purus dapibus mauris bibendum, vel aliquam velit rhoncus. Suspendisse non placerat justo. Nunc et metus nec nisi vulputate pulvinar quis at sapien. Duis lacinia eros quis est vulputate molestie. Etiam blandit diam quis ipsum vulputate elementum.